Monday, February 28, 2011


For a bit of fun...

High Tech Noon

Episode 3, The Dr.Steel Show

League of Steam, "Monkey Business"

Weta Raygun Commercial

Arms Race, short film

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mar. 5th Meeting

At the next meeting we're going to discuss the upcoming movie night, which will be on March 19th and will be a double feature.  The meeting for March 19th will start at 5PM and the double-feature will start at 6PM - NO 11 AM MEETING THAT DAY!

We chose the next story for discussion.  It's from the Steampunk anthology (SEE HERE).  It's called "The Steam Man of the Prairie and the Dark Rider Get Down: A Dime Novel" by Joe R. Lansdale.  It's only 40 pages long.  We'll be discussing it on March 26th.  Come to the next meeting to get a copy.  We're also going to talk about the introduction to the book, so you might want to read that too.

Let's go out!  We were talking about going out in full costume for a dining experience.  Maybe the 12th?  We need people at the next meeting to discuss this!

Costumes.  I (Jessie) handed out papers with male and female forms so people could plan their outfits easier.  We need to look good for the parade.  I'll bring the papers next time as well.  You can make copies and draw directly on the figures or use tracing paper with them.  If you need some help coming up with some cool ideas for costumes, I suggest looking through the links (up top on the blog), particularly the shopping links, and also do an image search in your favorite search engine.

We had a new person show up, so the flyers at UAF are working!  I hope we see more new people!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Steampunk Function and Aesthetic

Opinion Piece from Steven:

Steampunk... the word conjures up visions of beautiful and ornate Victorian designs, yet at the same time the whirring and clinking of gears, the hiss of steam, and the smell of coal.

It's no surprise then, that with these two seemingly opposite aspects that getting into steampunk, one might be intrigued with the aesthetic or the function.

Neither approach is wrong, and each is an art unto its own, but they sometimes cross. The prime example is the gear. The gear is a piece of machinery designed for a purpose, such as keeping time or controlling a mechanical automaton. Yet, the intricacy and beauty of the inside of a timepiece strikes our aesthetic side. So which is it? Aesthetic or function? Either, neither, both?

So, when someone starts into the world of steampunk, they might be intrigued with one side or the other. It may be the case they want something that looks incredibly cool but couldn't possibly work. There's nothing wrong with this. The individual is mastering the aesthetic. Don't be quick to judge the lack of function. Sometimes, the aesthetic itself serves the function of being visually pleasing.

Another may be on the functional side, designing a project or gadget that does something amazing but lacks all of the ornament and beauty and brass that would be expected of a "steampunk" gadget. There's nothing wrong with this. Sometimes, the functional piece itself is it's own aesthetic, such as the gear.

So, my point is, aesthetic and function are both important, but don't worry if you haven't mastered both. That's part of the fun of this big strange world is learning what you can, playing in it, and taking something with you...

Feb. 26 Meeting & Update

At the upcoming Feb. 26 meeting, we are going to have our discussion on Around The World in 80 Days by Jules Verne.  So read the book, watch one of the movies, listen to the audio book, or whatever - just get ready for it!

We have pretty much decided what kind of base materials we'll be using for the float.  It's not 100% because we are planning on not having everything go strictly to plan.  We can fill you in at the upcoming meeting.  We are still trying to determine the color(s) of the squid.  We're trying to find materials for the float.  We still have no place where we are going to build and store the float parts.  Anyone have a workshop?  We'll have to discuss this more at the next meeting.

Bring ideas for future projects and fundraisers.  We came up with a few good ones, but it's probably good to have a few spare ideas lying around.  We had a few reasons for fundraisers, including funding for the float, funding for some awesome professional group pictures, and for future endeavors.


If you take a look around you'll notice that under LINKS there are links to QAEL places on the internet (like facebook), but there are also General Steampunk and Steampunk Shopping links.  I just wanted to point this out so you don't just ignore it.  You might find something that really kicks ass.  I do recommend checking out The Steampunk Home blog that is in the link section.  It's fantastic.

I am also just about to get a new page set up with a book list.

If you are interested in helping out with the blog, let me or Jenny know so one of us can send you an invite.  We simply need your email address.

I need someone to write up a group history.  It'll get posted under Information.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb. 19th Meeting

Had some ideas that I'll bring up at the meeting.

  1. Group Pictures - I think that we (the group) should work on our outfits and put up some cash to get some professional photos taken.  We can plan on having these done in May or June or something, which would give us a deadline to work with (for the usual costume construction, weightloss, facial hair growth, hair cuts, etc etc).
  2. Patches - We have a logo.  Do we want patches?
  3. Film Showing - I liked Steven's idea of showing films.  Since we are considered a "club" (as opposed to a "business" or a "non-profit") we have use of the Fair Use Clause which means that we can show whatever films we want without having to pay royalties.  If we wanted to make a profit, THEN we would have to seek out the film companies to pay royalties.  If we just had an open showing of a few steampunk movies - meaning that we weren't charging for the viewing of the movies - then we DON'T have to pay royalties (because of the Fair Use Clause).

Steampunk Empire

If you have taken a look around the blog you may have noticed the links to The Steampunk Empire.  The Steampunk Empire is a social networking site for steampunks.  That means you can socialize with other steampunks from all over the world.  You can see how their dressed, what they're making, learn about what they're reading and watching, etc.  It's kind of cool to have a place to visit, in your spare time, when we don't have a meeting (and that is steampunk).  It's also a great place to trade ideas on stuff.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Golden Days Theme Note

From the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce website:

"It's that time of year again, and the Chamber is beginning to plan for this year's Golden Days celebration, and would like you to be involved!  Submit a historically creative Golden Days theme for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Bruegger's Bagels to be applied towards a breakfast or lunch party for your business on us! 

Please submit your theme ideas by 5pm on Friday, February 25th by emailing"

Submit your theme suggestions!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Feb. 19th Meeting

We are planning on discussing the parade float.  Bring your ideas, notes, drawings, suggestions, and opinions.  We are trying to come up with a list of parts and pieces, so think outside the box.  Cheaper is better, but it has to look right.  We also need to know who is going to be involved with the two-part float.  If you can't make it to the meeting, then leave a post or email someone about it.  Keep in mind that our biggest competition during the parade contest will probably be the Stormtroopers.

Ray Gun Workshop

Today we had our Ray Gun Workshop. Amid a pile of parts, glue, nails, screws, tools, paint, and other various gizmos, QAEL managed to create a few steampunk ray guns for future costume use. You can check out the photos in the gallery.

This blog was just created today. This is not only for enthusiasts and interested parties, but for members as well. We're going to keep this updated as to information for meetings, photos, etc etc. Whatever we have going on, you will know via this blog.