At this week's meeting, we're going to be discussing "The Steam Man of the Prairie and the Dark Rider Get Down: A Dime Novel" by Joe R. Lansdale and the introduction to the anthology called
If you missed the last meeting which took place right before the movie showing, then you missed us discussing Golden Days. We talked about possibly hosting a Golden Days event, specifically we talked about holding a ball and having it also be a fundraiser for what's been going on in Japan. We're open to other charity ideas. A big plus to this is that people are going to be doing stuff in their Golden Days costumes and people are in the mood to do things -in costume-!!! We also need to track down music - DJs? Musicians? Can we get any acts for the ball? Perhaps a steampunk bellydance number from one of the local groups?
We also talked about participating in Clean Up Day, May 7th. BUT, in full steampunk glory! Want to be a steampunk robot picking up trash? Sweet! This might be a good time to break out mad scientist clothing and those big rubber gloves.
Also, coming up on the calendar, is World Steampunk Day/Tesla's Birthday on July 10th which is on a Sunday this year. Keep it in the back of your minds. We'll try to get out and do something as a group.
We also discussed group photos (group + ind. member). This will be real useful for a press package. It's a good reason to get costumes in order. It's also a bit of a mood-lifter! We got pretty excited about this. I think it will be a good reflection upon the group. It'll make us look a bit more organized to outsiders.
Group Outings - We discussed possibly going for a horseback riding trip for, maybe for like 2 or 3 hours, through a local guide. Any other ideas?